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fiest82 | 15:59 Mon 30th Jul 2007 | Body & Soul
16 Answers
Do you think constant, fake compliments from sycophants make people overconfident? And maybe it goes to their head a bit?



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Hmmm, i never compliment people unless they deserve it.
I tend to find peoples faults more than compliments...
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Does anyone think I'm sexy or hot, better than all the other girlies on AB?? Please say yes, it will cheer me up and bring a smile to my face :)
You are so so right about the sycophancy bit, and brilliant of you to point it out, inspired no less xxx but how do you know if a compliment is a fake one ?
Depends how susceptable (sp) to flattery you are I suppose.
I tend to compliment where compliments are due, otherwise it will always seem fake.
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Oh come on, you know you are all my favourite people on here, you all bring a smile to my face :) Now who thinks I'm sexy?
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..... still wating .......................................... :(
I always thought you was a bloke fiest82...
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It seems fake, whiffey, if people need to keep on repeating it, almost like a hymn. If you say it 10 times a day, you'll start to believe it.
Here's a bargain. You post who is your fave bestest ABer and I'll reply you, as long as you reply me. Repeat ad nauseam.
do you mean on the net or in real life?

on here, take it all with a large pinch of salt, unless of course someone is thanking you for advice in which case its nice to hear. There isnt anyone overconfident on here, there are plenty who give excellent advice though

In real life then true friends will usually tell the truth.
there are only a few Abers who I consider excellent advisors and all round good eggs, I dont buy into the groupie love thing
What do sycophants have to do with the price of figs?

Compliments are earned and rarely lead to conceit. Egotism is nature's compensation for mediocrity.
I just got this mental picture of a valium-crazed fig.
It would probably be better stoned, then you could date it.
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Well, if you all think people are fairly normal then I'l take your word for it. I just hope not everyone believes everything they read and repeat it to themselves before they fall asleep :)

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