I was terribly sick with my first, all 9 months, and after I'd had baby I was hollow where my tummy was. I called it my soup tureen tum! It is really unpleasant, and after being the same during my 2nd pregnancy (and feeling faint a lot too) I decided 2 was all I would have. During No.1 I was prescribed Debendox which is not mentioned here but later became very controversial re poss birth defects. The only problem I had was keeping the flipping thing down long enough to take effect. By the time of 2nd pregnancy most were too nervous to take it including me. In fact my neighbour was so concerned with my state that she insisted I take hers until I got a script.
Later, 2 normal babes later, I was asked to sign a petition against Debendox which I refused and pointed out my perfect 2 sons. This woman verbally abused me and said her sisters baby was harmed by the drug and that it was irresponsible not to sign. I gave as good as I got and told her there was no evidence of this drugs harmfulness and I certainly could never claim it to be in my experience.
Maybe Debendox is still around and the drug you mention is similar. You must decide yourself because as Goodsoulmate says there have probably been no tests on people and the industry waits until problems begin.
Good luck. I hope you find a solution and enjoy some of your pregnancy. I certainly remember even 27 years on how horrible the sickness was. For me I found a dry cream cracker nibbled 1st thing in the morning would work more often than not.