My mother was obsessed with ensuring I never got headlice so once a fortnight I had to have my hair washed in that foul smelling Suleo shampoo. Then she'd wedge my head between her knees and rake the damned nit comb through my hair until my scalp was sore and I begged for mercy. Not that any mercy was ever forthcoming!
And I can't be the only one who had warm olive oil drizzled into my ears then got them plugged up with cotton wool. To soften and remove any ear wax, apparently. I never had any damned earwax, it never stood a chance with my mother regularly inflicting that on me.
Sunday night was kids' bath and hair wash night in our house too....with the obligatory capful of dettol as mentioned previously. And if we had run out of conditioner or were a bit skint, our hair was rinsed with fabric softener. We all had hair that easily tangles so there was no question of not using any conditioner at all or we couldn't get a brush through it.