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hi my round, thanks for your reply!
The annoying thing was, on wednesday, my dog was fantastic in the training, he did everything and picked it all up so quick! The trainer says he reckons it will only take 3 lessons with him and he will be perfect on walks!
Im partly gutted because now his training will have to go on hold for a while!
My shoulder and neck have been pretty bad today to, but im guessing thats just because i landed on my shoulder and im hoping that will die down soon.
Also feeling bad as my doggy is now stuck in the garden as if he comes in he will go all nuts and come to see me walk into my foot which is sat on a cat box infront of my whilst im on the sofa!
Do you think it is worth investing in a pair of crutches then? as i cant be off work but dont want to be putting extra strain on my foot?