stumbled across this place the other day! it seems pretty fun so i thought i'd say hello. just wondered where everyone was from, you know age, sex location that sort of thing xxx
Welcome honey-bee , i'm on the South Coast not far from the City Of Brighton &Hove , sounds posh but it's not ,If you you like clubbing , art galleries, water sports , this is the place for you . Enjoy AB , ignore the plonkers and there are a few of them on here !!!!!
hi my name is bob in 84 and i was born or found to be exact in a bucket near the mourne mountains in norn iron, i now live in eastern venezuela where i make my income from decorating wheelie bins and running my business furnishing mud huts
Bob you may end up one day as a Turkey Twizzler ? or in the loony bin !! not pc correct , therapy in the loony bin , can you send colour samples for mud huts , as will be living in one soon , as going back to nature , and how do you build a eco loo ??
Bobtt you are so slow answering my question , well if you are 84 it is to be expected ? My wheelie bin has roses on it as I had stencil and a pot of paint . bfn