The point is, you liken your question to posts about pregnancy that men could answer.
Men cannot be pregnant.
You assume that women do not follow the news.
WHY? This is nothing to do with physical build such as having a womb. As Joey says, women can't be penis models. But that's about it! I watch the news every day, and when my TV is on in the background I have it on Channel 501- Sky news. This means I get to hear (and follow) the news several times a day. I also read it on my PC welcome page.
And as far as I know, all women do the same!
You are sadly deluded if you think women don't follow the news. It's like me assuming that men don't cook. Of course, they do. They have to or they would starve. Some fortunate ones rely on their wives, but hell of a lot of men are single, or just like to cook.
If this is indeed, as I first thought, not a joke post, I worry about you. You clearly know nothing about women! Do you even know any?