you're right, sweet teen. Paedophilia is more of a medical condition than a crime. It's not an offence to be a paedophile; the offences relate to specific activities such as molesting a child or making an image (eg downloading one from the internet).
And yes, it's possible to look at such porn without being a paedophile. Obviously, nobody giving the fieriest answers on here has ever actually seen any child porn, but I have. Long ago, before the age of the internet, I saw a magazine. I was curious and possibly more naive than these knowledgeable people here. I didn't like it, put it down and have never seen any since. I don't feel any guilt about this, but of course if anyone had known about it, in the current climate, I'd still be in jail. People wouldn't make any distinction between me and Gary Glitter, though I might have got a shorter sentence. But I'm not a paedophile, and no amount of raving will make me one.