If you dreamt that you were an Estate Agent, it was more likely a nightmare than a dream. But never mind�
In analysis of the dream, I would conclude that the couple were your subconscious future, trying to settle in a volatile market where the men are far, few and cheap and property is plenty but pricey. This sort of stuff plays on peoples minds.
I suspect that you were seeing your life develop to a full relationship (the couple) and settling down (the apartment), but uncertainty existed within your systemic consciousness that said, hang on, this can�t be right, I am not settling down � I don�t have a partner, my life is unfulfilled (the estate agent) and lets be sensible about it (the janitor) its alright really as these things will come sometime, we just don�t know when the key (access to the apartment/lifestyle) will open that door.
In summary, you need therapy.