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How does that work

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Doc Spock | 12:02 Fri 17th Aug 2007 | Body & Soul
95 Answers
Just seen a neighbour(female) come home with shopping.

She is always off work sick with depression.

She works(sometimes) in benefit fraud section of DSS.

You could not make it up could you. Lazy b@stard.


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As I said, she should use her nose..... no typo's please, they are only acceptable if you are quite clearly stupid.
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Holiday injuries are mostly self inflicted, therefore no wages or sick pay.

If you don't like it pack the job(or sick pay) in.
I don't know why I'm bothering to justify this because you really are loathsome Doc, I really dislike conversing with you on any given topic because you're such an idiot.....but here goes...

I work on a till in a supermarket, one where we actually pack the customers shopping for them. Can you suggest how I do that with one arm?
Oh my god Doc Spock! Are you really that arrogant?

Ok maybe some people milk the system and depression is one of the easiest things to get signed off work for. I went to the doctors once and they told me I was depressed! They tell everyone that and they dried to prescribe me with anti-depressants! I refused them! But some people do genuinely get depressed! I have seen it happen and nothing can bring them out of their state!

But as for saying someone with a broken arm or leg should still go to work!!! F*ck off mate! I mean how thick are you? I hope you break a leg and are forced to stay home...

And Boo.. I hope you have a speedy recovery.
Isn�t the whole �say something a bit provocative to generate a tirade of response� a bit old hat now?

Nat, I hope that you can survive it without the bitterness and twisted logic that has plagued Doc for what appears to have been most, and the rest, of his life. I don�t really understand why anyone would store up so much frustration and envy, and yet continue this shallow existence long into retirement.
cheers rosie :-)
Perhaps in 'Doc Spock-land' employees ARE allowed to work with some sort of temporary impairment however, here, on planet Earth, employers prefer their staff to be fully functioning and are reluctant to compromise their ELI (last word being the ubiquitous 'Insurance') by having someone disabled/injured on the premises.

Just where DID you work, Doc ?
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Bstard i was just about to say the one about the curtains wont twich themselves

You have to hand it to old doc here, he manages to wind up 90% of us in one post, nice going!
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Well folks I worked where it was not tolerated to allow staff to pi55 about on here most of the day.

Even now I recall the names of the lazy sods who took advantage of "the easy3"

That is sick leave without a doctors note.
Doc, you seem to be an expert on doing things with one arm, does that describe your sex life? one armed, or handed?
curtain twitcher
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it is no wonder the east europeans are coming here to work. the indigenous briton is too busy being off work sick.
Don't worry yourself about it Doc- the powers that be who employ her (DWP) will soon sort it out- she is only allowed 8 days per year sickness ( if she was a person on Jobseekers Allowance she would be allowed 2 periods of sickness up to 14 days per year),without it being challenged and going down the oral & written warning route but it can actually take months and months for someone's employment to be terminated for their poor sick record. Don't go getting yourself 'Stressed'.
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Hi john, need two hands for sex, one to turn the page over.
Tut, Tut, Doc.
You tried the personal insults with me and then stopped when I didn't fit your 'abuse' demographic (no doubt this message will be enough to set yourself off again.............but, hey ho )

You should have had time to read my last message by what is your response to management's stance on this ?

Do you not suppose that they would rather have had BOO in making some sort of contribution rather than paying her SSP ? The fact that they have not offered her any other sort of work within their organisation would indicate that there IS nothing than she can do at present.
Dic Spot, I don't really see how thats a depression but as it's the only ammunition you have against me (although in the mildest of forms) I will let it slide!

But as Jack says... if you were an employer and Boo worked for you (Poor cow) would you really want her in work, trying to find jobs she could manage to do with one hand? While you have a shop to run, when the doctor has clearly signed her off for a reason? Also if she did some permenant damage to her wrist because of it she could sue you!
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That is the prob Jack, has she sought other work?
and operate the pause button

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