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MrBen5 | 13:30 Mon 20th Aug 2007 | Body & Soul
25 Answers
Hmmm, I think my Q from the news section has disappeared :( . It was just a basic Q about A levels.
Someone answering on there said it was a racist question, but it clearly wasnt.
If someone says something is racist,
a) does it get removed automatically just because someone starts whimpering about it because they dont like what they read or
b) does theEd first see if it is of racist nature , then review it?
If the answer is a) , is there anywhere left on this planet that you can have an opinion...


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Let's test:

This is a racist question, let's have it removed please ed.
I think it used to be that if 3 people reported a question or answer, then it automatically got removed. Hope this is not still so because I have seen perfectly good Q & A removed with the suspicion that just because someone didn't agree with it, then they used multiple IDs to remove it.
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Shouldnt the Ed read the Question first though and make an educated decision?
As racism is a one way thing, wouldnt every question be removed if someone ticked it as being racist?
Was it your question about asians getting a levels in chemistry and should we worry about it ? As i think about 5 people were complaining that you were implying a racist theme to it.
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Yeah your right neilzulu :)
But one of the answers came back and said that if white people stopped playing on their computers then they would do as well as them.
Ahh, I think it may have got removed because of that answer by that person actually.
Its ok now, i was thinking it was because of my question...
I do not see the problem with your original question though, soon you will not be able to post anything with politically incorrect words in it. The AB gestapo are watching, never mind big
it would get automatically banned and then the ED reviews it. If there was nothing wrong with your question then it will come back.

Was you question not racist in the way in the way your other question a few weeks ago was not sexist?

I think you could have worded the allegedly racist question better but I think you like getting people on their high horse about it. Personally I find being scared on an ASian with an Alevel in chemistry makes a person a fool.
*scared of an Asian, even.
�More Asians getting A-levels in chemistry, should we be worried.�

Is not really a basic question about A-levels is it now. Firstly you have differentiated a particular race. Secondly you are inferring that by them getting A-levels that this should be worrying. To whom exactly? One could presume from the subjective prose of your question that you are in fact iterating that Asians with A-levels in chemistry are more likely to go about creating explosive devices.

In fact, I would proffer that they are more likely to be educating themselves towards becoming doctors, nurses and scientists with eventual capabilities to prevent, or save the population from such things you are potentially accusing them of.

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Hmmm, the point of my question was to highlight that there should be more English getting A levels in chemistry.
Everybody seemed to jump to conclusion that it was related to bomb making.
I dont understand the meaning of getting people on their high horse??? It was a basic simple Q.
Personally Goodsoulette i think a person who jumps to conclusions and misinterprets the question before actually asking what someone means by it is more of a fool.
It just goes to show your way of thinking...
I didn�t see the Q MrBen.

English? Or British? Are you saying that A-level students who are of Asian descent cannot be British or English? Should we be worried that young white British Alevel students are not doing chemistry? Perhaps, but then that shows their lack of ambition and vision, or just general lack of interest in chemistry. Whether our future chemists are black, white, asian or other � does it really matter?

I think the lack of interest in science in further education has long been a bone of contention, and now with programmes such as CSI and that other one with Amanda whatsername there has been an increase, so Maths is the new science, so to speak.
Okay MrBEn, just to clarify what do you mean bu this question here?

Do I have to double check what you mean with every question you ask because you phrase it in a way which leads most people who feel wary of agreeing with something that looks racist or misogynistic in anyway.
ahh MrBen are you keen to try and match wits with the "do-gooders" again, how about i go find you a damp sponge to argue with instead, it might be a fairer fight, though i still think the sponge might have an advantage... remember the old saying "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt"
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Huh Goodsoulette????
Another fine example of why women should stay out of the news section.
IggyB maybe you should change your name to Iggy Ben . I am not into arguing with anyone, i just merely state my opinion on things and people who go in the news section should be educated and adult enough to accept peoples opinions whether they agree with them or not...
Mr Ben
Your attempts to defend your ambiguous question are pathetic. If you don't wish people to misunderstand your questions, which I think is deliberate, then word them better. Perhaps, Octavious, who has posted an excellent analysis, good give you some lessons in comprehensible written english.I'm sure the majority of readers,like Goodsoulette, would have read it as an attempt at very poor humour.
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Ok, i apologise. i didnt get an A in English :(
I suppose i am a pathetic fool who has no right to question on here unless i ask a question which caters for the minority.
On a seperate note I am going to Rhodes in 2 weeks so there will be no MrBen about on here for a week :)
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By someone here inferring that (presumably) I am a do-gooder, merely substantiates my point above in that your question was intentionally or otherwise aimed at the contrasting vectors of society in order to propel fervent anti-multi-cultural sentiment.

If I state that in the UK whether students who achieve A-levels emulates our multi-cultural society and that makes me a do-gooder, then so be it.

Personally I don�t go into the news section either, and I would suggest that such posts remain so that people (aka do-gooders, obviously) can see how bigoted some people are.

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