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To kiss or not to kiss?

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SupaAbzyBall | 11:26 Tue 28th Aug 2007 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
On Saturday night, my friend brought a lady to the pub with us, who he said he fancied. After an hour or two in her company, I started to like her too.

When I was leaving the pub, my mates friend lent in for a kiss and I started to move in, but then at the last moment, I realised it would hurt my friend and pulled away.

Now my question is, should I have kissed her or not!? A few people been saying I should have as life is too short. Its been driving me up the wall all weekend! Surely I have done the right thing haven't I?


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No, you should have snogged the life out of her and played tongue wrestling till the wee small hours.
She clearly fancies you, not your mate, he needs to deal with it
No you shouldn't have - she came with him and it would have been disrespectful to him to kiss her then.

Ask her out separately if you like her - then, in my opinion, whatever happens goes.

If your friend wasn't around to see then sure you should have done it if you wanted, then told him about it later and ask him how he felt about it. A friend would probably say 'go for it' if she fancies you then shes not going to suddenly change her mind and go out with him.

What friend are we talking about by the way?
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Crap, I didn't get her number, lol. Oh well, I guess I did do the correct thing, my mind is at rest. I think Sasha is right about her being my friends guest. I didn't know until really late on she actually liked me, otherwise I probably would have got some contact details. After she wanted to snog, I ran off! Oh dear.

I just wanted to know incase this happens again, so thanks guys!
Speak to your friend and explain the situation? I know it sounds strange but depending on your relationship with him can you say that you'd like to see her again and get her contact details from him??
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Oooh, I just found out they spent Sunday night together, although it does sound innocent. Oh well..... I guess if its meant to be, I'll meet her again! I might try and contact her through facebook.

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To kiss or not to kiss?

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