the posts left by the editor "ab asks" seem fine to me, a bit innane, but fairly innocuous. Its the others you need to worry about. However, as i dont have any kids i dont care really
It's supposed to be a family site, but sadly it isn't.
Often it's not the nature of the genuine questions that I mind, it's the late night drunken ramblings and the abusive swear ridden posts that quite frankly irritate the crap out of me.
And if I'm being honest, I find the opinions and views of some of it's members to be downright bloody scary, and I wouldn't like my child to think that these views are the norm.
No it's not a family site, it seems to belong to old men who bully everyone and make up stupid posts.
If they were gone then I think part of it could be used for children.
Children should have their own sites that are heavely edited for safety. This site has far too many adult posts. I wouldn't really want a child posting on here anyway, you wouldnt have a debate with a child normally!
sort of agree andrea, but children should be able to come here and ask, for example homework questions, without seeing bigoted, drunken ramblings of quite frankly, nutters, not much to ask for is it?
As adults, we should be setting examples, be it here in a forum or in real life. I often wonder if the so called adults who are abusive are ashamed of their abusive posts in the cold light of day.
i dont think any site is truley child friendly, as you are always a few clicks away from adult rubbish. i dont think its the editors fault that people leave adult themed questions - it is the person who asks the questions. If i did have children i dunno whether i would let them anywhere near the internet at all! I dont think this site is much worse than many others, and in fact is a lot better than many. At least the profanities are censored out
don't agree with an adult section I'm afraid, I can just see that degenerating as an abuse free for all- and how would you stop children entering it? And how would it be moderated to stop abuse becoming downright physical threats?
Homework section? Hmmmm, wouldn't that be a bit messy? Unless you have endless sub categories to cover every subject undertaken in schools.
the adult questions are ok, providing they are genuine and not just asked for titillation and cheap giggles.
bednobs- you only need to check out the example given by TCL in Suggestions to see that the profanity filter is basically a joke, all it takes is to substitute certain letters for others and the word becomes all too clear.
i like that idea Andrea- however I think it's still a sad state of affairs when something like that needs to be implemented on what should be a family friendly site.
I would deter anyone in my family (nieces and nephews under 18) from using this site, and I would refuse to let my daughter use it (when she is old enough to know what I am on about). I would also warn friends children about coming on here. It is almost becoming a no-go zone for innocent information seekers.
The site is not family friendly, the recent post from TCL in Suggs (although not unique) emphasises why not, and this appears to be exacerbated by the AB Editors inability and unwillingness to veto new or consistent misusers of the site facility and intention.