Following on from legends question Even if they had stolen from you, cheated on you, or maybe *murdered somebody* would you remain faithfull or would you give them what they deserve, or if you were the one commited the offense would you beat your partner into not telling anybody?
Well, not exactly, i just thought i'dpost a few random questions on here before i go for my mid-morning kip.
I was bored last night, i couldn't get to sleep until about 1:30.
I have never raised a hand to a woman, but would have no qualms about doing so if
1) They had a knife or other life-threatening weapon
2) They were abusing animals.
If I was merely slapped around the face by a woman, I would never hit back. It is just not done. However, if they were using a weapon, I would treat them like a man and kick them as hard as I could in the groin and try to blind them.