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Fighing trivia

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crossroads | 13:19 Mon 03rd Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
50 Answers
1. Richard and judy?
2. The duke and winnie the pooh?
3. Ab editor and dangermouse?


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Answer what exactly ? What is the question ? I see a list of names with question mark after them.
oh dear thats it you got me there with that insult, I havent heard that since school. Couldnt retaliate then and cant now. Damm my life is over.
well if we can all work it out, and you cant I wonder who has the brain of a flea now. :-)
Wow, you're on fire today ! Do you have to practice at being dull or does it come naturally ?
the post is labelled "fighting trivia" do you need instructions on exactly how to work the rest of it out for yourself, no one else has had a problem, look see we answered!

If you are having difficulty look at someone elses answer, it may help you to contribute to the thread in a more productive manner, If you have no interest in answering then please by all means go away
Sarcasm really is not your fort� I see.

cazzz1975 - whoever you are, you are boring me. If you have no interest in my answer then please by all means go away
I wouldnt want it to be really. Cazz he/she must have interest in my answers then. Oooh I'm touched
In other words smiffy you have no comeback.....

maybe you need to come off here and work on your banter, dull is the word used to describe your posting thus far, If you wish to regail us with more gems like "! Do you have to practice at being dull or does it come naturally "?

please feel free to post on you own thread entitled "Indescriminate ramblings of the terminally boring"
and we will happily chip in our 10 pence worth until playtime is over.
Comeback to what ? The paragraph of crap you wrote ? You can ridicule my posts when you appear to be answering questions about fights between cartoon characters ! I bow to your superiority !
but she answers??? Hello if you dont like the question stay off it
lol smiffy, yes of course and your time was spent whining like a little girl...

damn right you should bow, I should knee you in the jacobs for good measure..
cazzzz he doesnt have any
I think the above answers can be deemed as "chat". Please stop before I report. Thank you.
brain capacity of a flea smiffffffffffffffffffffffffffy?
pot + kettle methinks
4get, you have to give him credit, it took all the power in his one brain cell to think of that reply..
methinks ? Do any of you know the English language ?
lol john
lol john for that very witty reply. Did you make the pot + kettle remark up all by yourself ?
do you?

Methinks \Me*thinks"\, v. impers. [imp. Methought.] [AS.
[thorn]yncan to seem, m[=e] [thorn]ynce[eth], m[=e]
[thorn][=u]hte, OE. me thinketh, me thoughte; akin to G.
d["u]nken to seem, denken to think, and E. think. See Me,
and Think.]
It seems to me; I think. See Me. [R., except in poetry.]
[1913 Webster]
I like the cut of smi_ffys jib.

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