I was just on lunch with my loved one and he mentioned that I'd be getting my birthday present today (my birthday is on Thursday but ssssssh dont tell anyone lol) He said its gonna make me cry, WHAT THE HELL CAN IT BE?!?!?!
You're pregnant aren't you? If you are (i could be thinking of someone else, I am going senile ya know) I bet it's something baby orientated- maybe a heartbeat listener thingymejig?
And in case I forget (senility again) have a great birthday :-)
Andrea, I asked him if it was a kitten and he pulled a face! :O(
He nearly got me one the other day but changed his mind coz we are going away this weekend.....
kitten not a good idea- you aren't supposed to be picking up cat poo whilst pregnant.
Oh I'm glad I didn't get it wrong, by saying you're pregnant if you weren't-lol. It's kinda like asking a large lady when it's due when all she's done is eaten too many pies.
If it's not a heartbeat listening thingymejig- i'd be tempted, if i was you, to get one anyway. I was gutted after I'd had Mini Boo to see these things on the market, i'd have loved one.
To change the subject slightly- isn't it ridiculous what you can and can't do, eat and not eat when pregnant? I looked at the two page A4 sized list with by gob open when i received it.
I know! The worst thing for me is not eating prawns (the midwife said home cooked is ok but not when I'm out) I did laugh, I just said, trust me compared to my cooking, its safer to eat out lol!
I dont know why but I get a sea food craving when I'm pregnant.....
Hmmm, maybe its an animal of some sort, otherwise he would wait until thursday.
Or maybe its nothing at all and he just wants to see you cry when you do actually get nothing...