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apple shaped

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fruitsalad | 22:28 Tue 04th Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
15 Answers
i have put on a bit of weight recently and it always goes on my waist and upwards while my hips and legs stay quite slim, what would be the most flattering way to dress for my shape, i dont normally wear dresses or skirts mostly trousers.


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maybe a loose fitting slinky top that defines your curves but also shapes your waist and hips.
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I put a very reasonable reply on here and it has gone!
i know...
where did the doc post? i missed that, i just suggested a loose fitting top that defined your curves and showed off your hips, as i work in the fashion industry all day most days it was a very sensible and informed reply based on 35 years experience!
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DottyH i did see your reply and would like to say thanks, maybe the silly doc had it removed so that his/her daft answers stood out.
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what you and the doc perfect then are we?
You are like me, fruitsalad.

So many women complain of having a lardy bum and thighs, yet I never put any weight on there ~ in fact I would love some fat sucked out of my belly and put into my bum!

At the moment I spend my time in 'swing' tops and jeans. I can't wear shorts or pedal pushers as I am only 5'2" so it cuts me in half. Swing tops are ok, but you must be careful they aren't too long and cut just right under the bustline. If you are taller you can get away with it.

Some purchase have been disasterous, and made me look pregnant!

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apple shaped

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