Hello men-luv-me.
As you have probably worked out by now, the AB is just like any society - all ages, types, opinions, and predjudices - so enjoy the bits you like, and rise above the ones you don't.
My name is Andy Hughes - I am the original Answer Banker - I started with the site from Day One - it actually employed writers to provide features for the Sections - I did Music. When it became a 'stand-alone' site, they dropped the features, but i stayed on, and barring illness and holidays, i have visited every single day from then to now.
I am fifty-three - I have three daughters, two grand children, and I work for BT. In my 'spare' time (ha ha!) I write for music magazines, and interview musicians and pop stars.
I am difficult to offend, i have an opinion on just about anything, and I wil offer advice and comment when ever i think I have somthing to say - whch is most days.
You are very welcome to our merry band, remember, stay out of the fights, don;t allow yourself to be wound up by those who set out to do so, and you can learn a heck of a lot on here.
See you soon.
A x