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becks | 15:18 Thu 20th May 2004 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
Ok this is quite complicated. A boy i like (as a friend) has declared his undying love for me, but I like his best friend. Thought I might like the original boy, who we'll call A so have been texting etc - no snogs or anything, but now i've decided i like B too much. What do i do? do i tell A that i like B even tho i don't know if B even likes me? or do i find out if B likes me before i tell A or do I do nothin? I'm not with A in any form but may have kind of given him the impression that i might be one day... oops. help!! the fact that they're best mates doesn't help, even if B does like me would he do that to A when he knows how much A likes me? or wouldn't he care? AAARRGGGHHH help me!!! really don't want to hurt anyone, but don't know how to get out of this!


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You definitely need to be straight with boy 'A' as it is not fair to have him think he may have a chance with you, when at heart you just like him as a friend. Just tell him you love him as a friend but nothing more, yes he will be upset but give him time and he will understand. It's better to tell him now rather than string him along and break his heart at the end of it. DON'T tell boy 'A' just yet that you fancy his best mate, firstly tell him asap that you just want him as a friend, and in the meantime while he is getting use to the idea, try and find out how boy 'B' feels about you. If in the future you find out that boy 'B' does like you the way you like him, then give things a go! Hopefully by this time boy 'A' will have got use to the idea of just having you as a friend, and should understand and support you and boy 'B'. Hope this helps!
Be honest with A. Whether he is madly in love with you or not shouldn't make any difference if you don't feel anything for him. It's called unrequitted love, and it's really painful, but the only way you can help him is to be honest about your feelings (or lack of them) for him. If you don't tell him, he'll assume that there is hope and a chance, and when he finds out there isn't he'll feel worse than he will if you tell him now. On the brightside, isn't it nice to be popular, Becks?
Here's a start. Stop beginning sentences with OK - it makes you seem dim. Next, when you mean I say I and not i. Then tell A & B that you think they're far too good for you and elope with C (or P, he's quite nice)
Hello becks how old are you? (serious question as the answer to a 14 year old would be completely different to say a 24 or 24 year old). Without knowing the answer to your age my simple advice would be to forget A and B as the situation is too complicated, when there are roughly 3 billion C's out there waiting to be met, as Poadster recommends.
Whatever you do, you cannot "just be friends" with a guy who has declared his undying love - so you don't need to worry about that, he is history whatever happens. Also, if you ever get together with his mate, then you have both lost his friendship. If you really want B then just go ahead, you have nothing to lose, but A & B do. Actually I'm with poadster & The Dark Lord here, forget them both & go out and find C. Life's too short.
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Thanks all, have told A this morning that we'll never be more than friends and I (see Poadster I can do caps just usually can't be bothered your grammatical majesty) like someone else. Didn't tell him who, but he seems a bit peed off understandably so I guess. Anyway, I didn't mention that I've actually liked boy B for about a year, and I know that maybe I should forget them and go out and find a C but just because A told me first then that means I have to give up on B?? Cos that doesn't seem fair if B does in fact like me. And yes whqttt it is nice to be popular!! Thanks for all the advice anyway x
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Oh and darth, I'm 23.
Forget looking for C, go for B!! If you don't, you will always wonder what will have happened! Besides what have you got to lose?? If you like him that much then don't bother looking for someone else, who knows? This guy could be the guy you end up spending the rest of your life with!!
Poadster, do you do anything else but pick at peoples grammar?? Grow up!! If Becks wants to start a sentence with Ok then what's the problem? I think you seriously need some questions answered!!
ok im lost...... just get rid of a&b and go for c&d wheres carol voderman when i need her
My question is why did you tell the first guy that you liked him?? IF you really like B then tell A! Even if he does love you. Maybe he will get you and B together. Or he might be sad forever. You've got to take the chance. But holding it back from A is really just going to hurt him more.

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