I was about that i think! My mum said i weighed the same as a bag of sugar! I was 3 months prem cos mum was really ill and they had to take me out. apparently i had no eyebrows, fingernails, toenails and i looked like a little rabbit! my nan used to knit me hats and test them on a jaffa orange (cos thats how big my head was) I spent the first months of my life in an incubator. They didnt let me leave the hospital until i was 5 pounds. I dont think ive suffered any adverse effects apart from asthma (as my lungs werent developed enough, but thats controlled and id say i wasnt very academic in school, but now im a support worker and drugs counsellor so i havent done too bad to turn it around!) Or maybe im just lucky, she had a boy on her first pregnancy who was a week more prem than me and he didnt make it (died at 3 weeks old).