If only we could return to the good old days of owning a cow and growing wheat. Then we could spend any spare time we have milking the cow, sewing the seeds, watching it grow (hopefully - never a guarantee) and then reaping the harvest so that we could dry store it, grind it down into flour and then pop along to our neighbours for some eggs, drag some (probably impure) water from the local well and start making some dough. After al of this we could pop out into the forest to gather some firewood for our �oven so that we could turn the dough into bread. Now, lets just hope that you put some of that milk aside for making butter and cheese, because then you would have to�..
It�s a hardship, that�s the paradox of a fiscal policy. But not such a hardship as some of the nations of the world who are not able to pop along to their local shop and have to walk miles (na cars for them) and miles just for some water.