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EngTeach | 01:15 Sun 16th Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
9 Answers
Hopefully this post won't go to land of the lost posts too.
Mom is resting comfortably in the hospice. She sleeps a lot and doesn't talk much either. However, she has always had a wicked sense of humor and we saw it today:

My sis and I always call my brother "The wonderful son" He lives about 3 hours away and can't be with her as much as we are. Today when my sister and I asked her if she knew who we were she said NO. When my brother asked who he was she responded with "wonderful son". I am glad to know she is still in there at times even if it hard for her to talk.

Hospice is everything everyone said and more. I am pleased to have her in such a nurturing, caring place.
Thanks to all my new AB friends and their well-wishes.


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Glad that things are stabalising for you and mom, it is not easy and though probably you have alot more to face, you know you are doing your best.

i had an email earlier tonight about my great aunt, she has become very poorly with advanced cancer and so i know there is going to be a tough tinme ahead, as though it hasn't been horrendous enough this last rwo weeks, it's amazing how we cope isn;t it?
Mothers never forget their sons, EngTeach. I'm surprised she isn't jumping up and offering to wash his socks and cook his dinner... My thoughts are with you, it must be a trying time for you and I'm glad you're keeping your own sense of humour about you.
So pleased to hear the hospice is looking after your dear mother . I hope she can get the peace and rest she needs and I am sure the hospice is the best place to get that .
Touching that you can get a glimpse of her humour .
All the best :-) ((HUGS)) xxx
EngTeach, so glad to hear that mum is resting comfortably. I think it makes all that you are going through so much easier knowing mum is getting the care she needs.
Sending lots of love and hugs to you mum and the family xxx
Morning EngTeach, glad to see your mum has retained her sense of humour, it never ceases to amaze me how resiliant (sp) people are in the face of adversity. Glad to hear she is comfortable and resting and in good spirits.

As jno says - mothers and sons, eh!. My mum had a few glasses of wine last christmas and got a little squiffy (she is not a drinker), anyway, she was going on about how she loved each of us equally and how she made no difference between us which is true then she followed it up by saying that my brother was always her favourite! My sister and I nearly fell off the settee laughing!

Take care
EngTeach, I am glad she is comfortable now, and at least some of the "burden" (I know your mum could never really be a burden to you) of caring has been taken from your hands. I hope they take care of her as she deserves.
Hi Eng Teach your thread reminds me of the funny things my mum in law said a few days before she died in the hospice. Although she was obviously very ill and out of it for most of the time she once opened her eyes looked at me and said look at your bloody knees there a mess! She always used to say that when she was well because I have dry skin there and when I put fake tan on it makes them stand out like a sore thumb! She also said to her daughter nice spot cos she had a big spot on the end of her nose then she would go straight back to sleep! The best thing was though she managed to stay alive for my daughters 3rd birthday and sung happy birthday to her there wasn't a dry eye in the room. Sadly though she didn't make it for her other grandaughters 5th birthday she died 5 days before. I hope you have equally treasured memories of your mum, take care
Mum's and their Sons.
I am sure she loves you all the same though.
So glad that she is in a Hospice and hopefully painfree. I am also sure she will be able to keep her dignity until the end, although it must be heartbreaking for your family to witness.
Glad that you are there for your Mum.
Take care. xx
Hi, EngTeach - I can only echo what the others have said. My thoughts & prayers are with you, your dear Mom and your family. Love, K xx

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