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today ?

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legend758duo | 10:03 Thu 20th Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
37 Answers
if you could spend 1 hour today in a totally different place.
where would you spend that hour and what would you do?
anything goes.
keep it clean though ; -)


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I would like to spend one hour aboard the International Space Station. Obviously I would probably need say, an additional 22 days to get there and back, but that could be arranged couldn�t it?
Whale watching please.
� To label a hyperlink: Here

I got back from my hols there last week.

I know a good hide at a Yorkshire Pudding Sanctuary.
Mmmmm, yorkie pudds..............gimme the time I'd consumed half of the sanctuaries inhabitants Gromit, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to hide anywhere.
And I got to admit Grom, I opened that link with my hand over my eyes, wasn't sure whether to expect a picture of you in ya Speedos on a beach somewhere.
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Cheers legend. The greatest day ever, we were all proud of our national team. Now when was the last time we could say that? Lol.
We could go and spend time in *********s head...............time alone in a great big empty space.............trying out our echoing skills.......running round with our eyes shut without fear of bumping into anything..........

* I won't mention any names but follow my eyes
That doesn't help monkey when you're actually bosseyed though does it? ;-)
I'd be at home in Wales, walking to Monkstone when the tide's just going out, with my boys, Nanny, all the cousins and dogs. We'd climb to the top and look out to sea and round to Tenby, then walk back and have an ice cream on the harbour.
I have friendly eyes, B00......................they like looking at each other, :o)
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In the shower..........that would keep it clean!!
my family come from coolagarrenroe in burncourt, they are a big clan :)
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