I would agree about the �comfort foods� in reaching the �typical� male�s psychotic heart. However, you might wish to carry it a bit further. Small nibbly chocolates for dessert being served in the bedroom. Place coloured scarves over the lamps (check for heat�don�t want any fires other than with the two of you!) Some gentle, quite music playing in the bedroom, in advance, where the scene can move towards there.
Essential to have oil � lavender!
The clothing thing is a subjective one. Yes, enticing, sexy clothes can flip the bonnet of some men. But, on the other hand, a subtle approach of wearing one of his t-shirts, where it reaches just below your hips, and some lacy undergarments can be just as much of a turn-on.
Tactile communication is also important. Not jumping one another�s bones, but just the quiet, subtle touches, touching his hair, stroking his earlobe, feet touching below the table � those sorts of things.
Um�the kung foo or anything that involves a film with guns or any violence would be a turn-off to me. Perhaps middle of the road, if your man is not in to emotional films, try something alluring, foreign, or comedy or combined. Something silly, such as the old standard �When Harry Met Sally� might be middle of the road. Little Miss Sunshine, or something darker like Harold and Maude�lots of possibilities.
And as I recall, in another thread, I offered someone some ideas of what we did to help a young family who were struggling to keep their relationship on tract..you might try writing a few �have I told you lately that I love you� notes.
Oh..and if the budget permits, have your dinner catered at home, where the two of you are served together! It makes for a fun evening and someone else does the washing up!
I wish you every success
Fr Bill