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why is everyone so uptight?!!!!!!!!!!

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kyra16 | 00:31 Thu 04th Oct 2007 | Body & Soul
118 Answers
is it me or have all abers gone super sensative?
what is w all this bannin goin on?
what is w everyone freakin out way too easily
its supposed to be fun
bantering back n forth
so what if people argue? that makes it much more interesting people.
sorry but i think everyone need to chill
is it just me?


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If apple sauce's the only thing you can get down you Ky - then fine, but the acidic fruit might set the pains off again. Awww...very unpleasant.
goody perhaps u need to read your own posts and take your own advice.

boo said already tonight what she posted today was bad .

end of.

dot has psted malicious lies about me on hewre
do you defend her wiythout evidence?
or are you just looking for an arguement.

dot i wont mention folk personally on here like you.
but i have cpopied pasted emailed end of

you are sick

#you were told so last week

you need to get a life

i dont know any woman on ab thinks of me every day

apparently you know a woman who does.
and accused her,
i fkin dare you right now to deny it
cos ill copy paste and email it quicker than u can say lying twisted old bint.

as aide note goody.

why do u always get involved in my arguements?

they don t effect you or involve you.

so whats the attraction?

some might find it strange ??
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goodsoulette: omg!!! yes...that's exactely how it is...its crazy! r u gonna have surgery?
my problem is i don't have health insurance and it's like almost 6.000$ for i gotta pay outta pocket.
but i cannot handle these attacks
holy hell!
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ice... i know but i had just 2 spoons to get something down
i tried toast but i puked that up too
im so afraid im gonna have another one
but i dunno what the hell to try n keep down!
legend you are rambling, i have not mentioned you to anyone on msn or by email, gimpo
What happens over there then if someone can't pay their medical bills? They suffer?????
If you can find one post where I have told some one to fukc off or called them a b1tch then I shall eat my words Leg. I have bickered with you but thats it, and it has always been about the subject, I have never mentioned anything about your personal life and I hold my hand up to popping into a thread where uyou are fighting with someone else to make a sarcy shoot me.
I'll try and check something out for you, but didn't the doctors make any suggestions? Must be horrible for you.
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ice...yea! the good ol us! huh?
my bill for the er visit last nite is 1500$ gotta pay it
to get personal health insurance w/o a job gettin it for you is like 600$ a month ridiculous!!!!!!
i don't qualify for any programs though so im outta luck
its sad our health care system here
Oh that's not so good Kyra. Hope your feeling better soon. Legend i think you've made it quite clear to all that you don't like Dot so why can't you just back off. I agree with Goodsoulette that it makes disturbing reading folks come on here for there own reasons whether it's to chill out after a hard day at work or for the social connection, not everyone likes to read that sort of abuse especially being directed at a woman. Chill out.
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thx ice...they just told me i need surgery
lol helpful aren't they?!
i agree louisa...i just dunno how all this started?
maybe cause im on too many pills but they keep goin on n on about msn....
am i the only one confused here
now leg startin w good soulette wtf?
Your arguments are everywhere!!!

Kyra, I have no idea. I went for the ultrasound last week but when the radiographer was taking the still she called a radiologist in and they were inspecting my gall bladder closely and he said there you go, but I can't officially get results for a few weeks. Apparently endosocopy could be the next step. To be honest if I could lay off all the fat and smoking then I would probably be ok. Im a bit disappointed really, because I am only 28 which is too young for gall stones but apparently a symptom of my crash dieting.
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hey im 29 so i feel the same way
mine is from the ib profen (dunno how to spell that) that i used to take daily for my sucks so bad though
the strict diet is not working for i just want the damn thing out!!!
good luck
Gosh i'm so slow at this i start typing when there's only like 20 answers and after i've posted there's like 40 answers :) What advice did the docs give you for eating and that i agree with Ice that maybe apple sauce might not be the best thing to be eating.
not at all
im not startin with goody.
just askin her agenda.

is that wrong??

dot has gone out ofher way even phoning folk about me.
now thats infatuation.

how is bob ??

werent you on msn to iur mutual friend last week?

didnt she tell her man your nasty vicious lies??

or arent you doing the truth today??

u thinbk she didnt tell me???

well now u know lol

goody you have whatever agenmda.

but ive never started on you.
you in fact mentioned me first months ago.

carry on

im glad you can now speak out against men afrter years of repression.

if im helping you then its a good thing.

have i been nasty directly about you??
i doubt it.

pray continue tho

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lol i know... its makin my head spin!!! lol
so they told me n i quote "you can't eat anything that tastes good" no joke
no fried stuff, easy on meat in general, no pickles, no dairy, no CHOCOLATE (sry for yellin lol)
god no choc. omg! tomatoes...god...i can't eat anything!
i know apple sauce is not good but honestly i can't even keep toast i figured a spoonful...just to keep the pain meds down....
hell i've already lost 5lbs....

lol..... Im allergic to ibuprofen and aspirin so thats one small mercy I suppose.

Sucks that you have to pay for the op but just for the endoscopy that could be an 18 month wait for me on NHS. Im hoping the stones will be small enough for ultrasound or meds or just controlling it by diet. Maybe you should try some alternative medicine and a living with gall stones support group. The first time I had the pain, I was convinced I was dying lol and was on the phone to my bf telling him he had to come get us, by the time he got here it stop. I felt like a right charlatan and convinced myself I had subconsciously faked it.
legend you are still rambling, gimpo, you are making up rubbish about me and trying to make me doubt my friend bez, you have alot to learn about friendship gimp, lol it grates with you that i don;t like you or trust you or want anything to do with you, why would you beg someone to get me to join an msn conversation when you seem to dislike me so much? gimp
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goodsoulette: omg! seriously though i did too last nite...the pain is so insane!!!!!!!!!!
i thought i was a goner..
i was on my hands n knees...couldn't straighten up

so damn scary! the messed up thing is that the first couple only lasted like 1/2 hr. but it's non stop now...even now hopped up on pills it still hurts..but the edge is gone!

that long a wait? omg! sorry
yea i gotta see if these pills r gonna work..they said it'll take like 3 days
but i'm just gonna have to have the surgery
hey money comes and goes
but i only got one body...n i wanna be good again
if im not allowed a reply then fair enough

if i am then read it and digest it

goody no way will i fall out with you

tho u may try : - )

but remember

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