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Removing Medical Records

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Susan999 | 18:32 Mon 07th Jun 2004 | Body & Soul
2 Answers
Can I have something removed from my medical records?


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I have no official knowledge on the subject (I hate it when people start an answer like that) but I wouldn't have thought so. After all, it could surely be dangerous? What if you contracted something in future, which would react badly with a condition you have/had, but which wasn't displayed on your records..? I would have thought that everything medical-related known to doctors has to stay on your record for your own health. It's completely confidential and doctors/nurses aren't allowed to tell anyone else (without your permission).
You certainly can have something removed, but I think you have to prove there is a valid reason for it. I know this from someone I worked with getting a dementia "diagnosis" removed from their records. Was a few years ago tho and can't quite recall the process other than it took a while.

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