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Star signs???

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PatriciaH | 22:29 Sun 07th Oct 2007 | Body & Soul
55 Answers
Whos compatible with who?
My starsign is ARIES whats yours?


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I'm eating chocolate ice cream.x :-)
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Awww Dot- mondays child, Fair of face! bet you are pretty?
i put ice cream in the microwave for 5 seconds before i eat it so it is slightly melted
I am eating some bernard matthews turkey breast slices, bernard says that its turkey for today so I dare'nt disappoint him.

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OOOH bob so do i
its a clever trick isn't it patricia
Ooooh I like mine slightly melted too.x
i just had ice cream with strawberry yogurt poured over it , gorgeous
I feel like a right freak now, I pour lemonade over mine :(
I bet you will be all on the rennie's soon...
I am a Leo Roooaaarrr

Funnily enough although they say that Leo's shouldn't get on with other Leo's - my partner is a Leo and so is my Dad and I get on swimmingly with both!
Leo and Saggitarius are your compatibles. I'm Aries...which is potentially fiery. Growl! But then we're the born leaders, blah blah blah
i used to put digestive biscuits in mine i always used to bite the end of a 99 and suck the ice cream out
hey pat... how come you gave me a star?....only stating the obvious...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................see? hubby and son are aquarians, should this work?
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Helliebobs, a few scoops of ice cream ( cornish is best )in a large glass then pour lemonade on top , stir for a few seconds and you have a cream soda! Yummy!
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You made me laugh!!
hI , I'm a cancerian
I know patricia, I try and recreate that but in a bowl :)
Has to be vanilla though, none of this Christmas pudding flavoured rubbish :)
I'm a Cancerian

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