Mamma...that was 'her' talent...what's yours? The needs are extensive! We want to open a hairdressing school, a mechanics school, an animal welfare centre (the first for the country) and a small lodge, which is to be used for hospitality training... Everyone has a talent.
That lady who came with me to Moldova recently was volunteered by her mother, who heard me on the BBC. The woman had never been out of the country in her life, had endured some tragic personal situations and was certainly afraid of leaving her home. But she got up the courage and went. It has changed her life! I just preached at her church in Lincoln last month.
As a child, I was fortunate to have been exposed to many experiences. My own children have had the same opportunity. I would suggest to anyone who is bored, or lonely, or contemplating doing something different in their lives, that they should consider reaching out to help others. I promise you, the rewards are priceless!
Fr Bill