Quizzes & Puzzles2 mins ago
27 Answers
I'm writing a paper on the public perception of paedophilia and I want to know what people think. I'd like reasoned opinions please, rather than striaghtforward dismissal / revulsion. Think about why you think the way you do, if any particular incidents (in the media, or that you have heard of elsewhere etc) stand out, when you first remember forming an opinion on this subject. I'd also like to know some brief details about you (married/single, if you have children, your gender and age) and most importantly, what newspapers (if any) you regularly read. Thanks all - I think this could prove a very interesting thread, so here's hoping!
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I find myself in two minds over paedophillia. The ratrional intelligent compassionate part of me wants to see it as it is - a mental illness whose sufferers need our compassion and treatment. The parent and emotional side of me wants to cit all paedophiles into one inch cubles with a rusty tin lid.
I am well aware of the media's ability to push people's emotional buttons with pictures of these people, and lurid tale if their crimes, but pushing buttons is really what it is.
Mental illnesses cause all manner of behavior deemed unacceptable by modern society, from OSC hand-washing to Tourettes shouting random obsenities, but paedophilia as a condition has to combat against natural rage revulsion and horror because of the lasting damage it does to its victims - and it is a battle that is lost far more often than it is won.
On the occasions when it is raised on the AB, I usually weigh in, but Ii have to queue up behind the 'Hang 'em all and I'll pull the lever ...' brigade who leap in first. I honestly believe that they think they mean what they say, but such vigilante opiniions are rarely thought out, and suggest a dangerous mindset from the thinkers.
There is no easy simple solution to this deeply distressing issue - and it continues to be a complex medical, legal, and moral problem for society to wrestle with.
I find myself in two minds over paedophillia. The ratrional intelligent compassionate part of me wants to see it as it is - a mental illness whose sufferers need our compassion and treatment. The parent and emotional side of me wants to cit all paedophiles into one inch cubles with a rusty tin lid.
I am well aware of the media's ability to push people's emotional buttons with pictures of these people, and lurid tale if their crimes, but pushing buttons is really what it is.
Mental illnesses cause all manner of behavior deemed unacceptable by modern society, from OSC hand-washing to Tourettes shouting random obsenities, but paedophilia as a condition has to combat against natural rage revulsion and horror because of the lasting damage it does to its victims - and it is a battle that is lost far more often than it is won.
On the occasions when it is raised on the AB, I usually weigh in, but Ii have to queue up behind the 'Hang 'em all and I'll pull the lever ...' brigade who leap in first. I honestly believe that they think they mean what they say, but such vigilante opiniions are rarely thought out, and suggest a dangerous mindset from the thinkers.
There is no easy simple solution to this deeply distressing issue - and it continues to be a complex medical, legal, and moral problem for society to wrestle with.
At the age of fity-two, I vividly remember the Moors Murders case,. and the horror and revulsion that still exists today - that was probably my first instance of knowing what a paedophile is. I still find the notion of tape-recording a child being abused and murdered too distresing to think about for too long.
I am, as I said, 52, married we have tthree daughters, and two grandchildren. I read the Daily Mail daily, but skirt over some of its more right-wing think pieces, and also read the Times for some more measured opinions.
I am, as I said, 52, married we have tthree daughters, and two grandchildren. I read the Daily Mail daily, but skirt over some of its more right-wing think pieces, and also read the Times for some more measured opinions.
http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/News/Question46 7229-2.html
If you read my answers on 21-40, you will see my view.
Basically I think the law needs clarifying to make a one simple offence.
Widowed, 34 years old, no kids, Daily Mail and occassionally The Times.
If you read my answers on 21-40, you will see my view.
Basically I think the law needs clarifying to make a one simple offence.
Widowed, 34 years old, no kids, Daily Mail and occassionally The Times.
Just to add, yes I think it is a mental illness, but looking at the old Victorian McNaughton rules (which are still used) a person (that is the kiddy fiddler) must know the quality of the act for the crime to be deemed committed by a "sane" person.
Ian Huntly, a classic example. Yes a mental condition may have caaused him to fancy little girls, but at the same time he had a job, he paid taxes, he didn't do drugs. He knew right from wrong. Therefore, although his actions regarding little girls ws the possible result of a mental condition, this must NEVER be used as a compassionate defence.
Yes, if a proper nut job or a spastic for example commits a sexual assault on a child, yes they need to be locked up away from children, but the "punishment" as such should be educational.
The difference between mental illness and mental handicap, should therefore be addressed at statute NOT in the law courts.
Ian Huntly, a classic example. Yes a mental condition may have caaused him to fancy little girls, but at the same time he had a job, he paid taxes, he didn't do drugs. He knew right from wrong. Therefore, although his actions regarding little girls ws the possible result of a mental condition, this must NEVER be used as a compassionate defence.
Yes, if a proper nut job or a spastic for example commits a sexual assault on a child, yes they need to be locked up away from children, but the "punishment" as such should be educational.
The difference between mental illness and mental handicap, should therefore be addressed at statute NOT in the law courts.
-- answer removed --
With regards to sexuality I'm undecided. Most of me thinks it's the way you're born and what you find attractive, same as if you were hetro, bi or gay. But I'm not sure it's quite that simple.
But then if you look at the society we live in and the sexification (I'm sure that's not a word but I can't think of one!) of young children. You've got parents who let kids in the single didgits walk around with the most lewd of comments on their clothes and the fact that playboy appears to have a childrens line then what message does that give?
Some papers will have a 'hang 'em high' headline on one page and on the next be slavering over that girl from Harry Potter or the Olsen twins. Again, what's that all about?
But then if you look at the society we live in and the sexification (I'm sure that's not a word but I can't think of one!) of young children. You've got parents who let kids in the single didgits walk around with the most lewd of comments on their clothes and the fact that playboy appears to have a childrens line then what message does that give?
Some papers will have a 'hang 'em high' headline on one page and on the next be slavering over that girl from Harry Potter or the Olsen twins. Again, what's that all about?
And now we have children lying about their age to have sex. http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/News/Question46 7229.html (I have some comments here that may interest you).
Then you have to consider that alot of abusers go on to abuse. Again, what are the implications here?
However, the great thing about being human is that we have a sense of what is right and what is wrong and it is my belief that at no point can any adult justify the interference and mortificatioin of a child through sexual abuse. It is simply gratification of your own urges which can be controlled.
I don't know what the answer is; the crime is so repulsive to most that to actually say tackle this at the root cause by giving them an arena where they can open up about their desires and possibly receive help and/or some form of suppressent will probably have me lynched by the angry mob but what is the alternative? After a child has been attacked no amount of haning 'em high is going to undo the damage. It's a closing the barn door after the horse situation.
I don't remember when I first started forming an opinion on this; as I've mentioned recently my parents were foster parents when I was a child so it could be as early as then. I first started learning more and developing strong opinons on the subject in June 2004. I'm afraid that's as lucid as I'm prepared to be regarding timescale on the WWW.
I'm female, single, no children and 28. If I read the papers it's the Independent, the Observer and Private Eye.
Then you have to consider that alot of abusers go on to abuse. Again, what are the implications here?
However, the great thing about being human is that we have a sense of what is right and what is wrong and it is my belief that at no point can any adult justify the interference and mortificatioin of a child through sexual abuse. It is simply gratification of your own urges which can be controlled.
I don't know what the answer is; the crime is so repulsive to most that to actually say tackle this at the root cause by giving them an arena where they can open up about their desires and possibly receive help and/or some form of suppressent will probably have me lynched by the angry mob but what is the alternative? After a child has been attacked no amount of haning 'em high is going to undo the damage. It's a closing the barn door after the horse situation.
I don't remember when I first started forming an opinion on this; as I've mentioned recently my parents were foster parents when I was a child so it could be as early as then. I first started learning more and developing strong opinons on the subject in June 2004. I'm afraid that's as lucid as I'm prepared to be regarding timescale on the WWW.
I'm female, single, no children and 28. If I read the papers it's the Independent, the Observer and Private Eye.
cazzz1975 - yes I do work in a building company office (MA Build, and arm of Multiassistance, which carries out insurance repairs for Halifax, Fortis and Royal&Sun Alliance among others). I do this 3 days a week to support myself through my PG study at the University of Manchester.
I am working on a course in Gender and Sexuality, and like a good PG student I am writing and researching papers for academic submission, both to the uni and to various journals.
Happy now, or do you want me to add my work and uni email addresses so you can email me to prove it?
I am working on a course in Gender and Sexuality, and like a good PG student I am writing and researching papers for academic submission, both to the uni and to various journals.
Happy now, or do you want me to add my work and uni email addresses so you can email me to prove it?
There's probably something wrong with their brains. In 6 years we'll realise that putting them in jail to correct their problem is like jailing someone with schizophrenia to fix them too. In 10 years we'll be giving them brian surgery, hard drugs, and maybe chemical castration, and the problem may largely go away. They'll still get bricks in their windows though.
http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Animals-and-Nat ure/Question465685.html
society, although most kiddy fiddlers are men, the occassional one (Rose West, Myra Hindley etc) are female.
Is this the sort of torure you want??
society, although most kiddy fiddlers are men, the occassional one (Rose West, Myra Hindley etc) are female.
Is this the sort of torure you want??
legend758 - I'm sure this is going to ruffle a few feathers, but that is exactly what I'm trying to understand; when this subject got so emotive that ordinary people go off the deep end about it like they do about nothing else (murder for example). If you could change the law, what would you set the punishment as?
andy-hughes (and others) - what part of peadophilia do you think constitutes a mental disorder? Can you pinpoint exactly why you favour a medical view?
China Doll - do you think then that parents and the media have a responsiblity for paedophilia occuring then if they sexualise children, or do you just think they are being hypocritical for being outraged when someone abuses a child when they've already sexualised them?
I don't think there are any right or wrong answers here, I just want to understand exactly how you all came to form your opinions.
andy-hughes (and others) - what part of peadophilia do you think constitutes a mental disorder? Can you pinpoint exactly why you favour a medical view?
China Doll - do you think then that parents and the media have a responsiblity for paedophilia occuring then if they sexualise children, or do you just think they are being hypocritical for being outraged when someone abuses a child when they've already sexualised them?
I don't think there are any right or wrong answers here, I just want to understand exactly how you all came to form your opinions.
I work exclusively with the victims of these activities. Our home in Moldova is for children who are victims of child-trafficking. Our home in Romania is for abandoned and battered children. Those children, invariably, have been victims of sexual crimes committed by predators who scour the riverbank in search of children.
The children in Romania, who readily go with the predators, surrender themselves in exchange for what they believe will be affection and nurturing care. The children in Moldova have been physically and mentally tortured into compliance. Those who collapse or become ill are the ones we receive. It�s often difficult to say that they are the �fortunate ones,� as the scars last a lifetime.
In any subject that involves the sociological, psychological and physiological you are going to have a difference of opinion. Whatever those thoughts, whatever steps are taken, seem to do little in bringing closure to those who have suffered from their abuse.
F Bill
The children in Romania, who readily go with the predators, surrender themselves in exchange for what they believe will be affection and nurturing care. The children in Moldova have been physically and mentally tortured into compliance. Those who collapse or become ill are the ones we receive. It�s often difficult to say that they are the �fortunate ones,� as the scars last a lifetime.
In any subject that involves the sociological, psychological and physiological you are going to have a difference of opinion. Whatever those thoughts, whatever steps are taken, seem to do little in bringing closure to those who have suffered from their abuse.
F Bill
I have to confess that, as in common with just about everybody else on here - yourself excepted - I am not sufficiently educated in this area of behaviour to be able to offer a case backed up by firm evidence - my views are based more on an instictive approach.
I feel that the desire to form a sexual relationship with a child demonstrates an inability to form stable relationships with sexually mature adults.
A child is impressionable, it is easy for apaedophole to convince themselves that the child's actions words and gesturees signify compliance, enjoyment, and encouragement, which excuses them from any guilt feelings they may posses about their behaviour.
Since practising paedophilia requires either the ability to view the relationship and interaction in this distorted way, or to exhbit a sociopathological indifference to pain and suffering, it leads me to conclude that the condition is based on cerebral malfunction, but I stress, I have no eviidence on which to base my claim.
I feel that the desire to form a sexual relationship with a child demonstrates an inability to form stable relationships with sexually mature adults.
A child is impressionable, it is easy for apaedophole to convince themselves that the child's actions words and gesturees signify compliance, enjoyment, and encouragement, which excuses them from any guilt feelings they may posses about their behaviour.
Since practising paedophilia requires either the ability to view the relationship and interaction in this distorted way, or to exhbit a sociopathological indifference to pain and suffering, it leads me to conclude that the condition is based on cerebral malfunction, but I stress, I have no eviidence on which to base my claim.
andy-hughes - I am not suggesting for a second that I am sufficiently educated in this area to understand what causes it, or how paedophiles view themselves, indeed it is not an area I am working in at all. I am interesting in the public perception, that is all, and if you have no 'solid evidence' for your views that doesn't really matter, as I am more interesting in how you, as an individual, think. The answer you gave is fascinating, and probably relevant to most people who also subscrible to a medical model for paedophilia. As such, it is exactly what I am looking for.
It is interesting to note what Mr Hughes says about an inability to form a sexual relationship with adults.
Strangely, the vast majority of sexual abuse is committed by fathers towards their daughters. This could dismiss that notion. The child sex circuit and the predator are really the only ones we hear about.
Likewise, people who say similar things about rape, the vast majority is committed by husband on wife.
Strangely, the vast majority of sexual abuse is committed by fathers towards their daughters. This could dismiss that notion. The child sex circuit and the predator are really the only ones we hear about.
Likewise, people who say similar things about rape, the vast majority is committed by husband on wife.
I don't think you can class all paedophiles as having a form of mental illness. Probably some do, but I think many have a sexual preference for children in the same way some men have a preference for blondes/long legs etc etc. Some of them were abused themselves, some weren't. Some are social inadequates who cannot relate to adults, some are highly intelligent, social men. In a nutshell, paedophiles come from all walks of life. I worked for the probation service many years ago and came across many paedophiles. One common theme I noticed amongst all of them, regardless of their class/intelligence/background etc was their belief that the children were willing participants who enjoyed the activity. One man who had abused a baby girl, blamed his activities on the child, saying she had waved her legs around in a provocative manner, and therefore "wanted it." There are some professionals I have encountered who believe that paedophiles can be "reprogrammed." I think this is as likely as persuading a homosexual to become heterosexual and vice versa. I'm not one of the "hang 'em high" brigade but I think life imprisonment AND chemical castration should be mandatory. However, if it was one of my children who had been sexually abused, my reaction as a parent would probably be murderous.
I'm 51, married, 3 kids & read The Times, Guardian & Daily Mail.
I'm 51, married, 3 kids & read The Times, Guardian & Daily Mail.