Society: I'm being deeply embarrassed this evening. Whilst I sincerely appreciate your words of kindness, as I�ve shared in another thread, there is no more or less value to my contributions than there is to anyone else.
When I first sought an �answer� from AB, I was not clear of the ethos behind the site. I presumed it to simply be rather straight forward � one asks a question � one gets an answer. But I began to watch the personalities unfold, each adding another facet to the spectrum of AB. Not only did I find it interesting, I found it to be refreshing and certainly worthy of exploring more.
The site, just as with our own lives, returns to us exactly what we give to it. In many ways, I see it as planting small seeds. The threads represent the growth of that seed. Some threads are no more than weeds. However, others, climb and flourish, providing not only vibrant colours but nourishment as well.
Just as with anyone else, I have my �up� days and my �down� days. AB provides me with a much-needed �divertissement� from the challenges of those sometimes-difficult days. But equally, it permits me to share my own gifts with others.
Thank you again for your kind words. I am truly touched. And I wish all of you peace.
Fr. Bill