hi there this may sound silly but i was doing sword practice saturday evening with my brother.well anyway i had the heavier of the two 'swords' we use a hefty broom handle in practice and my brother had his boken any way i began to get cramp in my right hand and since it has been agonisingly painfull.could it be related to the fact i sprained my wrist two weeks ago?i hate doctors hospitals etc so not involving them would be grate i did RICE rest ice compress elevation.
I get cramp wuite a lot in my calf and find that if i've had it really bad the pain will last for a couple of days. Think it's something to do with like a toxin being released while your muscle is cramping then taking time for the muscle to heal from the spasm or something... if it doesn't get better talk to the pharmacist/nhsdirect or you'll have to go to the doctor i'm afraid...
If you won't go to the doc, at least wrap/splint your wrist & hand when you go to bed, this will make a big difference. BECKS, vitamin C is great for preventing cramp.