Dreams about my dad in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Dreams about my dad

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tdvit | 08:48 Thu 17th Jun 2004 | Body & Soul
4 Answers
Hi, anywhere good on dreams?? my sister has been having dreams about my late father but he wont speak to her in any of them. I have dreamt about him loads too and he has spoken to me in them. Last night though I dreamt that my fiance's brother called to my house and told me that dad was around me at the moment but didn't want to speak but he wanted dave to tell me that he is here for me at the moment and is always around. I guess my question is why wont he speak? Is this meant to mean something? Big thanks to any help on this. tdvit
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sorry meant to start off saying, anyone good on dreams here?
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i also got this one from someone http://www.dreammoods.com
I think its obvious. Your dad is dead thus he cant talk to you, yet you see him feel him. I think it means that there is a desire to connect/communicate with him, that his presence is very much important in your life. I would suggest that you make peace, accept your fathers destiny. It was his destiny to die and by loving him and respecting him it means also loving and respecting his death and his time to go. He is gone... the dreams are just part of a longing for a person who is not here anymore.... and that is okay> Death is natural. It compliements life, it doesnt complete it.

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