I work with a number of drug addicts. Some simply started as recreation, following on from enjoying the buzz of alcohol, then wanting to see what the buzz of pot felt like, and it progressed from there.
Others decidedly took drugs in the hopes of escaping the world around them. Desertion, rape, torture, denigration � they all played a part.
And then, there is the darkest side; the children who have been forced to take drugs, those who were constantly drugged as they were forced to commit the most vile acts of degradation. Eventually they became compliant addicts, doing anything to feed their fix.
There is not a single reason why people start taking drugs. There�s a myriad of reasons as to why people can�t stop. �Getting help� is such a variable in this country and just about every country in the world. It requires taking the individual back to their roots and helping them to discover and rebuild their lives, then change their entire social environment. It�s not impossible, but it�s a challenge most countries and health services can�t support.
Even places where people go for self-help find there are drug dealers directly outside the door, trying to sell drugs. It�s a daunting experience for anyone.
Following the standards in assistance hold very few success stories. More drastic steps have little success stories as well. Hopefully we will find an answer. Here�s my own recent experience with an addict.
http://bigworldsmallboat.blogspot.com/search?q =fast+rracks+to+hell
Be well
Fr Bill