this is crazy...and to be honest, confuses me. ive had operations in the past, and was never asked about my consent regarding the procedure at all, as the doctors just assumed their clinical judgment over my own. When I complained to the health care commision, they argued this is the right thing that should have happened, and yet they still called it "informed consent!?" another thing are Do Not Resusitate forms. These can be signed by a dr without consent by relations or the patient themselves. yet in this case, they didnt give the blood, because the pt refused on religious grounds! what about the dr's clinical decisions there then?
anyway, regardless of my ignorant knowledge of how these policies and procedures work, i still think this is unbelieveable. but welcome to "by the book britain" lets be honest, she would have probably sued the hospital having survived saying she was discriminated against because of her religion. your laughing, like i said - welcome to england. besides, no big deal, she probably would have died from MSRA or C-diff later. if not herself, the child. Both senarious wouldnt surprise me.