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I'm ill :-(

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Emu2005 | 12:22 Thu 15th Nov 2007 | Body & Soul
9 Answers
I had a horrible cold about 2 months ago, then about 3 weeks ago I had a really bad bout of cold/flu. I thought it had all gone but this week I have felt really run down and today my nose won't stop running! I must've got through a whole loo roll!

Surely it's not right to have been ill so much lately? Should I shut up and get on with it or go to the doctor?!


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Get on with it. :o) I'm currently in the middle of my fifth cold this year. We'll live, I'm sure. :o)

Feel better soon! x
Get some Effico Tonic from Boots or Berocca vits... and whilst you're there? get me some day nurse pleaseeee :P
Lemsip for the symptoms.

Vitamin C and zinc to boost your immune system.

.Improve your diet.

Give up the fags.

Lock the door and don't let the kids in from school. They are the little blighters who swap viruses and bring them to you.
Are you a man?
Stop being a poof lol
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Hi, legend. I do take them now. I usually get a cold around this time of year when the temperature drops, but the others were at the beginning of the year when I was quite run down already. Thanks :o)
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No I'm a girl!

but feeling much better now, thanks for the advice - will def try and get some more vitamin c in me!

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I'm ill :-(

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