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Insensitive people

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warpig3 | 13:21 Fri 23rd Nov 2007 | Body & Soul
44 Answers
What would you do if you knew someone who was completely insensitive? They don't mean to be, they just dont think. You tell them they have hurt you and they apologise (they know they have hurt you too, in fact as soon as they have said it they want to take it back, sometimes they try to make light of it and make it worse). But still it happens. Eventually 'sorry' seems to lose its meaning, so do you toughen up, take it with a pinch of salt, learn to live with it or what? warpig


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Octavius, how I wish you were right, but he seems unable to muster up any enthusiasm at all, perhaps he is scared sh*tless.

Whiskey, I did think 'miserable git', lol.

fatotter, do they do those ear muff on e-bay.

I guess you are right and I should rise above it, ignore it, whatever, easy said, now I have to put it into practice, eek.

Thank you all for listening, feel better already.

warpig xx
I'd hazard a gues and say that (A) your husband's a bit of aminge bag and (B) he was pre-empting your next question "can you put this up on Saturday?"
Storm in a tea cup that one, to me to be genuinely guilty of insensitivity is when something is said to embarrass you in front of others eg. you've spent more on apair of shoes than you admitted too, or you're sneaking out to the pub when your supposed to be elsewhere.
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Ha, ha everton, its self adhesive so no problem for me to do it.

Surely, to say something to embarrass someone in front of others would be deliberate and therefore not insensitive but rather rude and just plain mean?
If he said it infront of others it was probably just to show that he wears the trousers and is a bit tough guy! i am sure those who were present wouldnt have taken much notice! they are probably used to it!
i think its good to be honest and i'm sure i've over-stepped the mark myself but some people who like to be blunt/to the point need to make sure they can take the medicine they deal out to everyone else. 'Honesty' can just come over as sheer 'arrogance' -
I agree Jordielaz. I have a close relation who feels it's OK to say what she likes at all times because she is proud of her straighforwardness and honestly. However, even if I dare make the slightest litle remark about her that could be taken as negative, she has the vapours and can't deal with it at all. She has been like it for all of her long life and she won't change - but she has hurt me very deeply on many an occasion.
Also, it's one thing to be honest when asked but when people say what they think without being asked for an opinion that's quite another matter.

Friends should be honest in a sensitive way. It's one thing to say (when asked for an opinion) 'Your bum looks huge in those trousers' and another to say 'those trousers actually don't flatter your figure'.!!!!
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LOL lottie - getting the vapours - its ages since I heard that. I agree, honesty is the best policy, but sometimes it does need to be put delicately and there is a difference to being asked you opinion and just giving it regardless.

I was shopping recently with a friend and she tried on the most beautiful suit but unfortunately the trousers were way too tight and completely unflattering, so I had to suggest that maybe she try on the next size up in the trousers. She wasn't happy but I would have felt like a complete cow if I had said nothing and then someone else commented on it later, sometimes its a no win situation.
warpig re your my experience that's not unusual for some men.
A friend who lived a few doors down had 3 small children (mine were a bit older) & everytime she'd bought them something, usually cute, she's call in on her way home to show me. She used to say I just want someone to say, Oh that's lovely/sweet etc & I know 'he' won't be interested & he'll just grunt' haha...

don't get upset, think of your BP!
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Robina, that is it exactly. There is only the two of us over here and I don't have any girlfriends as yet so I have no one to share it with except him.

Better get some girlfriends quick, roll on the anti natal classes!

oh bless...just post pics of everything you buy on here & we'll enjoy them with you!
Us gals need our girlfriends. Men just aren't on the same wavelength! In fact I would say we need our girlfriends more..............

Where is 'over here' warpig?
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You aren't wrong about the girlfriends, I really miss them all.

Not as exotic as it sounds lottie, have moved to Scotland from Northern Ireland. I actually have a suitcase under the bed with some stuff I have been buying, just bits and pieces when I see them but I haven't shown them to mrwarpig as I doubt he will 'get it'. Thats not to be unfair to him, he has his qualities, but it would be nice to share.
Well send us the photos (if possible), as Robinia suggests, and we can join in your excitement.

I am sure you will make new girlfriends at ante natal classes. And once babe is born you will have all sorts of places to go where you will make new friends with like interests and you won't need to 'burden' Mr Warpig with such trivia! Men!!
It doesn't matter if you're a sensitive person and they're a blunt person, a true friend wouldn't say or do anything that would upset you, even if it meant bitting their tongue or not blaming them for being themselves.
People are what they are and you should love your friend for their honesty, bluntness and humour rather than seeing the negative side to their personality. Why are you so sensitive to them anyway?
Ask your friends what they think? You may just rub each other the wrong way. But you may also find that your pals an ignorant git! Either way, sort it out rather than letting it fester and ruin a good friendship.
Also, don't do all that martyr crap by saying you'll 'toughen up'. Remember, you've just gone online and bitched about your pal without blaming yourself at all for the shortcomings....I reckon it's your pal who'll need the tough skin to protect herself/himself against you! Afterall, I'm sure you're not called warpig for nothing......
It's one thing to be a straight talker entirely another to be a straight listener (I know a few people like that all bar 1 are women)
Hi warpig - sorry I'm a bit late, been out all a'noon.

Haven't read all the posts, but I'd say to rise above it & soldier on....things are sometimes said in haste, but are soon forgotten.

Look forward to seeing what you've bought on your next shopping trip! Take care. -xx-
Too late they already said it. They said what's on their mind. Maybe question it and learn from that experience and move on.
Hello Warpig, just stick the nut on him and say ' oh sorry I didn't realise that would hurt you, silly me!"
Seriously, he just sounds a mite distanced and not really in touch with it all yet. It was always the other way around with my ex wife and I, I was always the baby fanatic and she was the one who'd say 'what the f have you got that for?'
I think as you identified he might be scared ******** as of yet, and might need a bit of persuading bnefore his enthusiasm kicks in properly.
Hope you are keeping well lovely.
Where have you been hiding Nox?

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