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Has Anyone...

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Whickerman | 20:08 Sun 09th Dec 2007 | Body & Soul
12 Answers
...heard from wizard?


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Not a dickie bird, I am afraid. Hope he is okay!
I hope someone else has heard from him.
No not a thing, I keep sticking me snout in R&S to see if he's there, but nothing.
I am just hoping that he is too embarrassed to sign in as his usual ID, and if he is reading this, don;t be daft, get yourself on here and say hi.
... or at least e-mail someone and let them know you're okay.
Did anyone invite him to be a friend or vice versa before he sent his last post?
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I did. No response
Well, I suppose there isn't anything else we can do on AB unless he responds. I just hope he's OK for his familys' sake.
welll i hope so too.

no thanks to some of the aeseholes on hei read the threads.

shame on them either way
I read that too Leg. I do hope he is alright.

Wiz, if you read this, please let someone on AB know that you are ok.
Lets just hope that he's taking some time out to get himself sorted. I hope he's ok, though.
i couldn"t post anything as i was in the dungeon at the time but what i read i was disgusted by a few, dont have to name them, they know who they are. i just hope one day they dont need any help as obviously it was a cry for help and didn"t need the sh1t that was posted.
I was thinking about this only yesterday and I do hope that he is okay. It's good to see that people are concerned. I too keep looking into R&S. Naomi seemed to know a bit about the situation - perhaps she knows something.

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