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Dumping by text

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DonnaElvira | 14:40 Thu 22nd Jul 2004 | People & Places
8 Answers
Is this EVER ok? Why do some people think it is?


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If you're referring to ending a relationship by text, I think it's a cowardly way out. Personally, I think a phone call or nice letter to the person would be much kinder.
unless you've been treated entirely shabbily by the one you're about to dump (in whihc case, they deserve no better than a text!) isn't a good way to end things. It's like leaving someone an answer phone message....too cowardly. I kind of feel the same about a letter. Really you should do it face to face, or if necessary, by phone. I'd guess that it's mostly the younger generation who feel this is OK...(ooooh, I am age-ist!!) as they use moby's alot more and see texting as a primary form of communication.
Some people never get told at all.. the dumper just phases the dumpee out of their life *beenee holds head down in shame* so I think a text is better than nothing! :)
Is there a nice way off being dumped? The face to face method is usrely the best option but at least as beenee says at least a text is better than being totally blanked.
i think dumping by text shows a lack of respect for another. If you thought enough of someone to conduct your relationship face to face, they deserve the courtesy of a face to face ending. You can't avoid hurting someone by ending a relationship, but you can avoid unecessary damage to their already weakened self-esteem by having the courtest to treat them with appropriate respect and treat them like an adult, not a pariah.
It's cruel and slack. Oh yeah by the way you're dumped.
It's cowardly to be dumped by text. How does the victim know it isnt a prank from the other 'mates'? Someone else getting hold of the phone or maybe the one that wants to be the next partner sending maliciously? Text is warranted if treated shabbily & the other is expecting the consequences.
Or if the whole relationship had been by text. Imagine if the two had only ever communicated by text. Their first date was by text message, their fist hug (), they could tell how serious it was by how many xxx's at the end, then it leads to inevitable text sex (tut tut), their first anniversary by candlelit texting...awww.. Then I think it'd be ok.

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