I am not being personal and can see your point re the 75 yr old. I am stating it is silly because to me, the point of the thread is in some way a hidden agenda to start smoking again. A justification in some way.
Smoking is the single most dangerous and life threatening thing you can possible do to your self without playing Russian Roulette.
I am far from medically qualified but you don't need a weatherman to tell you it is peeing down.
Likewise I do not understand the rudiments of depression. But from a commonsensical point of view I will probably be less depressed if I had a bit more money, better circulation, better cardio-vascular fittness, smelled better, had pinker fingers, had nicer clothes, had a house with white ceilings, did not have a morning cough, have a cancer-free heath check, free of heart disease, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc .
So my point is, any attempt to state smoking has benefits is and always will be silly.