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Lonnie | 08:19 Sat 09th Feb 2008 | Body & Soul
14 Answers
Someone lately, has been regularly reporting some of my answers,

I don't mind, but I would like that person to come clean, be upfront, and say why.



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Just interested - How do you know you are being reported?
why on earth... your answers are polite and thoughtful (though way too pessimistic!)
To whoever it is reporting Lonnie,You sad ******* get a LIFE!!!
lonnie it happened to me on a very regular basis at one time...
just stick in there they will get fed up sooner or later and then start stalking someone else xx
-- answer removed --
That is really terrile if your posts are being reported.
None of your posts are ever nasty or abusive.
Like Legend says, just keep at it and ignore whoever is doing this.
They will soon get fed up.
Hello Lonnie, hows things? hope all is well, all I can say is what the others have, ignore it mate, we all seem to get it from time to time, then they get bored and do it to somebody else, feel sorry for them really, must have very sad lives, oh dear if they read this it may be again next, oh well will give you a break eh Lonnie, take care and keep posting.

Don't forget that big hug for someone special, cheers Mate.
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Thanks for answering everyone, I was ignoring it, but in the past two weeks, around fifteen answers have been deleted, they have to be old ones, because i've gone back quite a way, and can't find them.

i'm assuming toby, that because they have been deleted, they would first have to be reported.

jno, the last bit of your post is probably correct, I find i'm getting more so with the state of the country, but i'll leave that for the news section, and even though we agree to differ, i'd like to take this oppertunity to thank you for the way you reply, most civilised.

kevo, I really wish thay would, in the years i've been on ab, I think i've reported about two, and then i've said it was me, and the reason.

Thanks Cruella, thats advice worth taking

Ray, just given it to her, got a big smile, I told her it was from Ray, ok, I know she doesn't know who you are, but its still good to get that smile,and she gave it on your hug. thanks very much,
Oh sweetie, why would anyone report you? Are you sure it's not just accidental over posting?

It did happen to me once and I emailed the Ed and did actually get a response so maybe try that?

I just don't know why anyone would bother though, I mean I agree totally with jno. Don't worry too much about it pumpkin.
Yes, if you don't know what posts have been deleted I am certain it is overposting, double posting and so on while the site has been playing up.

I have had 93 posts removed - all for the reasons I've just given. I submit my post, nothing happens, so I submit again,nothing happens...

hi Lonnie

Its not you in particular, its posts you have answered on that are disappearing I think, there is no facility now to report 'answers' only posts

that must explain it
you wouldnt be deleted pal
oops, by posts I mean Threads lol
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Thanks China and Ethel,
The reason I put this post up, was because it was so many in so short a time, (deleted), just seemed strange, but you both could be right,

Thanks again.
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Ap[ologies weeal, missed you out, wasn't intentional, and your reply is as much valued as the others.
Thanks again.

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