Antenatal / parentcraft classes in The AnswerBank: Pregnancy
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Antenatal / parentcraft classes

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natalie_1982 | 11:45 Fri 29th Feb 2008 | Pregnancy
13 Answers
Hiya everyone, I have a parentcraft session tomorrow from 9:30-1:30 and I really, really don't want to go - I'm just so tired and have so much else to do that I, frankly, can't be bothered.
I am going to go anyhow, just to see what it is like, and I am sure, as a first timer, I will find it useful, however I have never heard anyone say anything good about these calsses, I always tend to hear the same things from friends/ relatives who say that they have learnt nothing more than they had read in a book.
What have your experiences been like?
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Mine was run by my midwife so I knew itd be fun as well as informative.

Id say go, its only 4 hours and it does make it easier to understand things when there is a group of you to converse and talk through the pros and cons of different methods for everything.
i didnt go to any as they wasnt available to me and i was fine, in my experience when your labour starts you dont really care where you are you just want the baby out. not many births ever go to plan so they could tell you you have to do this that and the other but on the day it depends on your situation
It is a good way to meet other people from your area who are due their babies at the same time as you - a good way to make friends. Yes, they may go over what you have read in books, but they usually also have a great deal of experience and can be quite entertaining.
just to add, its cruel but sometimes quite funny to see what the men think of it all
hi, i didnt bother going to anything like that. i didnt even bother to see if they had them in my area. i was fine during labour. your bidy takes over and knows exactly what to do anyway, when people told me this before i didnt believe them until i was in labour. its amazing really.
thats true, but the parentcraft classes usually cover more than just how to give birth. They will advise on pain relief, when to call the hospital, what labour might feel like, what happens after baby is born, what visiting hours are, whether hubby can stay all day etc etc.

Then they do discuss what happens after the baby is born, how often you see midwife, its also a chance to meet the health visitor sometimes and what role they play. They will discuss feeding options too.

It is all personal choice though, and will also depend how much info you want to get before the day
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Thanks for all of your answers; I am still in two minds as to whether I will go. I've been sleeping so badly lately that I think I will just play it by ear and see how I feel in the morning xx
hi just wondered if you decided to go or not. if you did did you find it usefull.
I didn't have parent craft classes (not available) and only attended on antenatal class (they forgot about me). I just asked on here and to be honest I got the info that i was looking for. But it would be a good way to meet other mothers though.

Incidentally the antenatal class I did attend was on pain relief - huh, fat lot of good that was!
Hi Natalie,

did you go? was it any good?

or did you take the opportunity to get things done instead?
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Hi everyone, sorry it's taken so long to reply - has been a busy weekend! Also it's my wedding anniversar today so we had the day off work to spend some time together; hence my not being online :-)

Due to the gales Friday night I managed to get about an hour's kip and so gave Parentcraft a miss Saturday morning. I have my 36week appt with midwife this week so will talk over any concerns I have with her then.

I'm due in one month. It is getting scarily close, but we now have a pram and moses basket so should s/he make an early appearance we are now pretty much prepared!
lol more prepared than i am. Ive started packing my bag and have all the new clothes i bought washed and packed.

I havnt got any of little CRXs clothes out of attic yet for sorting.

I havnt got a crib, god knows where baby will sleep and am still thinking about pram lol

i dont blame you not going if you had that little sleep hun.

happy anniversary, how come youre on here and not celebrating?
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Hiya red, thanks! We had been out for lunch yesterday, as I am not much company in the evenings LOL, I'd have probably fallen asleep face first into my food!

I've washed all of the clothes and blankets too, and we seem pretty much set now.

We have two moses baskets now - one on a fixed frame and one on a rocking frame; they're gorgeous, I think we will have one upstairs and one downstairs, or I might drop one round to my mum's so that I can put bubs down there if I am visiting.

As for prams...... you're always thinking about prams! LOL

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