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4getmenot | 08:49 Tue 22nd Apr 2008 | Body & Soul
54 Answers
Help I have the most hideeous coldsore apart from the normal creams is there any well known home remedies?


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Vitamin D would help your skin, it's called the 'sunshine vitamin'

It's not about feeling run down 4get, it's your body's defences slowing down and needing a rest because your cramming too much in. As I said, try a Sanatogen tonic for about a week
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would multi vitamins cover all this?
i take a multivit/multimineral and the combined vit c and zinc as well, both from boots and and the get 3 for 2 deal.
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I'll have a look in chemists later, Thanks guys x
You're going out in public with a hideous coldsore that looks like a great big cornflake stuck to your face??
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:-( Thats it kick me when I'm down runs off crying again
Only kidding 4get, You know we still love you
Toothpaste is the answer. Not the gel type but good old fashioned paste. It really works. Good Luck E
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See I did think of toothpaste but then thought its gonna hurt washing it off
hi 4get, I know you asked for home remedies but Zovirax is the best thing ever for cold sores. My daughter had a belter last week, she looked like she had been smacked in the mouth a few times. After 24 hours of constantly applying the cream there was just a little scabby lump lol

hope it goes away soon, ive never had one but I know from folks that have that they are well annoying and hurt a lot.
4get, you will never need to wear a bag over your lovely face, take it off sweetheart ;-)
I have suffered from coldsores since I was a kid and have tried and tested many remedies and found one of the best to be TCP.
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Aww thanks 4GS :-) I dont mind going up shops, there are people with worse disfigurements who have to go through everyday life like that. Its just annoying and does make you feel dirty, I have herpes :-( TCP?? Ouch doesnt that hurt?
Its stings for a couple of minutes then its fine. Shame the same cant be said for the smell though!
This is weird but I have never had one. I've constantly got some cold or something and have a pretty weak immune system but I've never had a coldsore. Maybe I've been kissing the wrong people! ;)
Sorry 4get, you have my sympathies :)
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I have your sympathy then you go and tell me you never get them!! lol
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So just need a face paint mask that has some kind of cornflake involved. At least I got to see baby redcrx without it and wont be coming into contact with her until its gone. Unfortunately think one of my closest mates has just gone into labour so no cuddles for me anytime soon

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