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reception | 16:42 Tue 06th May 2008 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
what is a soul??? and how can I become friends with it?
does any one know? is this a myth or reality?
I can't imagine what life is all about, bring up kids, they get married move out - you get mad at them at times then regret it and then yousay sorry but they think your crazy but you nkow you love them



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Are you a bit narked at your family or are you really just soul searching?
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soul searching. do I have one and if I do where is it?
I think the point about soul searching is that you find it yourself. Being told where it is, doesn't mean you have found it, merely where to look. But how would others know where you should look since it is inside you? So all we could say is 'look inside yourself'.... in the sense of aether, not endoscopial.
there's only one man who really had soul....the late,great james brown!
The Soul is what aches when you`ve lost someone, it swells with joy when things are well, and for the most part you are thankfully unaware it`s there.


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