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Yinzer | 08:49 Sun 29th Aug 2004 | Body & Soul
32 Answers
Does anybody else have favorite words? What are they?


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ooh yes i like random too and i forgot kerfuffle (as in little britain!)
bang beep blast boo burst cling frog lobe moo ping plop pop spam splat spleen spoon tree aardvark chocolate clingfilm crackle crinkle custard dingbat donkey gargoyle gecko gurgle iceberg lizard mincemeat mongoose oblong parsnip peasant penguin pimple poodle porridge pumpkin purple putrid quahog rancid sausage sideways soggy strangle teapot toadstool tortoise treacle turnip turquoise tyrant window wombat yellow zebra zigzag predict pretend aeroplane anarchist balderdash bubblegum carbuncle codswallop crocodile dinosaur elephant gibberish googolplex grasshopper harpsichord hypersphere jellyfish leprechaun marmalade million millipede monarchy nincompoop octopus parasite pentangle poisonous pseudonym syzygy tablecloth triangle venomous cathedral outrageous transparent upside-down apoplexy armadillo botulism charismatic ectoplasm feudalism helicopter hierarchy hippocampus hyphenated melancholy oligarchy oxymoron salamander capitalist pterodactyl trepidatious desperado cantankerous catastrophe exterminate invisible reactionary hippopotamus hypothetical proletariat revolutionary sanctimonious imperialist idiosyncratic indefatigable
PAPOOSE, CLOACA, MANATEE, BONER, F**K, C**T, ****, AGLET, PIE... There are SO many!
'musician' and 'sleeping'.
ooh, I forgot translucent and I like banquet too. I agree about the 'Dave' dog name thing - my cats are called Steve & Johnny
Friday. Just the thought of the glorious weekend ahead makes me wanna leap!
Moca Choco Latte
knicker love that word!! have NO idea why. I go off into fits whenever they mention the knicker factory on Corrers rofl
**** and any other four letter descriptive word. Simple (yes I know that isn't one!)
Well, I guess bernardo covered them all! I like "homunculus" as well as "c0ckamamie" (I hope that one doesn't get censored - it's not a dirty word!)

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