I had a tooth removed this afternoon - a canine - and the notes that the dentist gave me advised me not to drink alcohol for 24 hours. Any idea why ? I don't have a problem not drinking, I was just wondering why. Thanks.
Thanks ! I think it is time to make myself another cup of tea (very weak, black, no sugar) and reacquaint myself with the bendy straw I have just found hiding at the back of the kitchen drawer ..... lol
i just spilt my vodka. That is the only that takes the pain away. Now im sat in a pool of my own excrement and faeces and vodka and im in a lot of pain. Im hungry too as all my food is ruined as the fridge is broken. I hate this cruel world.
LOL Weeal.... how did you know about the *dribbling* ????
Gawd, blood does not taste very nice, does it - especially for a veggie .....
OK, Gonzo.... I have just found a few more bendy straws - what colour would you like ? I have neon pink , fluorescent yellow, lurid lime green and atomic orange....