Never had it done, but did read an article out of interest.
No reason for it to be painful, maybe a little uncomfortable the first time.
The practisioners reckon they can remove debris going back to childhood and that cleaning out your colon must be good for you! However, you will find plenty of convntional medics who scoff at the whole idea.
Saint Diana was a user, which would be enough to put me off.
Yes, once I started reading up about it and how much crap you have in your system I couldn't not. It's meant to be very good for you though.
I can't say it was one of the nicest experiences, quite uncomfortable and not sure I'd do it again. I'm not really a prude but it can be quite strange having to "let air out" in front of a stranger however much they're used to it.
Saying that, it was a cheap one and I have a sore digestive system anyway and my colonoscopy was very uncomfortable as well despite my sedation so I may not be the best person to say pain wise :)
I was going to ask the same question a week or two ago, cos I really fancy having it done. The thought of all this old rubbish remaining inside is quite revolting. Maybe I am weird!