as some of you might know, i worked for the ambulance service - i was wondering if anyone knew why when someone complains of headache we ask the following three questions...
"was there a recent sudden onset of severe pain?" "does you have any numbness or paraylsis?" "have you had a recent change in behaviour?"
what would the answers to these questions tell a doctor?
I was about to ask if this was a test for us too sara.
If you worked for the ambulance service how long ago was it & you'd have some idea of the answers surely?
No 1 might indicate a migrainous attack or migrainous neuralgia. Might even herald the onset of a sub-arachnoid hge (although by the time you answered the call she/he would be unconscious)
The rest, I agree with sara.
I suppose sudden onset of severe pain may indicate possible tumours. Numbness or paralysis, could be damage to the spinal cord and people who sustain head injuries can have a change in behaviour, including violence.
Well they would all indicate something more serious which needs emergency care or something which can be managed without emergency care or on a less urgent basis such as a migraine or non-urgent concussion rather than something like medicine, bleeding/hemorrage or clot, swelling, tumor/abcess, stroke and neurological causes.
A sudden severe onset of a headache is considered to have a more serious underlying cause until proven othwise. Some young people can have strokes caused by a Berry Aneurysm. The type of pain can be significant in deciding what the likely condition could be.