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Health Insurance - You or your pet?

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terambulan | 05:06 Tue 21st Oct 2008 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
Do you pay more for your pets health than for your own?


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yes, but there's no NHS for the cat!

(did you really post that at 4am??)
Well my cat has insurance but I don't.
i did have for my retriever, when he hit 9 it went up to �30.00+ a month with a lot of exclusions and increased excess � i cancelled..
My 30 year old horses insurance doesnt cost that much !!
My cats have insurance, I don't. Worth paying cos one has a heart condition and will be on medication for the rest of her life
How about putting money away indoors every week, say �5-�10, instead of giving it to the pet insurance company ... then when something needs doing, hopefully you have enough money to pay for it ? I don't believe in paying insurance when you don't need to.
many insurances include 3rd party accidental, causing an accident with car....

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Health Insurance - You or your pet?

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