Ok, you can approach this problem from two areas. Your probably sleeping on a cotton pillowcase. STOP! Your face gets stuck in one position and that's why you wake up with creases and lines on your face. Switch to a satin pillowcase and your skin will move smoothly across and you'll eliminate those creases that turn into wrinkles. Go to www.atouchofsatin.com and see what they have. I bought a set over a year ago and my skin hasn't looked this great in fifteen years. My hair is sooo much healthier also. Secondly, they sell satin aromatherapy eye pillows that you keep in the freezer. Put them on your eyes and they help take away the puffiness. They are also extremely soothing and relaxing. The peppermint scent opens up your sinuses. They also have lavender and unscented. Solve the problem by attacking it from two different areas. Good luck and i hope it helps you. A Touch of Satin most certainly helped me.