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The Pill

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Curious79 | 15:43 Fri 21st Nov 2008 | Body & Soul
4 Answers
I have a son who is nearly two and haven't been on the pill now for about 7 years. I went to the doctor who put me on Cilest. I seem to have put on nearly a stone in weight without changing my lifestyle (if anything I am consciously being healthier now as I don't want to put on any more weight and lose the weight I have gained). I have been having a period for nearly a week which is showing no signs of going. I think I will go back to my doctors and ask to change. I have been on it for a month and a half with a packet left to take. Should I ride it out for the last month and see if things improve?? Does anyone have any similar experiences with this pill? Will I ever stop bleeding? Is anyone on other pills which are better. I suppose it is all about finding one that suits me.....
Thanks in advance.....


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My daughter had the same problem with Cilest. She asked me the same question. I advised her to go back the doctor. She did this straight away and her pill was changed. She's ok now.
I had a crappy time on Cilest- raised blood pressure and stuff. Find another one- there are plenty to try. But ask the Doctor when you should stop this one and start another.
I put loads of weight on when I was using cilest several years ago!! Go see your doctor!!
Only sleep with men who have had The Snip perhaps?

I wonder if this reply of mine has anything to do with the fact that I was "done" a few years ago.

Sorry not to offer any real advice, but the women I know who have had implants fitted have not had the problems of the Pill. I have heard many times that the Pill makes women put on weight, but then again so does getting pregnant, so not sure what to advise.

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