I've done this twice myself and there isn't much to be done but wait for the bruising to fade. One to two weeks and the bruising and any pain will be gone.
Bandage it using the toe next to it as a splint, i.e. bandage two toes together. It will hurt less when you walk. I speak from experience - I have done this twice!! Also if you have broken the toe or cracked a bone, that's all that they do in the hospital! It might put your mind at rest if you go to your doctors or outpatients just to check it out.
I agree with Katt- you can't do much to your little toe, even if it is broken. I suggest, like Fakeplastic does, that you bandage the two toes together to create a splint. I have no feeling at all in the little toe in my left foot, and haven't had any for about 12 years. I fell over and went over on it dancing to Right Said Fred, 'I'm too sexy'. Enough said. Hmm.
I have done this two month ago, at the first moment I felt good and I thought that I need not to see the doctor, but after one day my small toe was swollen and hurt me a lot,at hospital the doctor told me that my toe was broken and I must use a bandage and avoid to put it when I walk,now I have just a week when I started walking and after two weeks I can practiss sport. so I am just going to tel you that you must see the doctor if you did not see him yet, your health is more value than anything.